Resolve Mac Startup Delays: Spinning Beach Ball Tips


A common frustration among Mac users is encountering the dreaded spinning beach ball on startup, which indicates that the computer is experiencing boot delays. The spinning beach ball is a symbol of a system slowdown, and it can significantly impact productivity and user experience. In this article, we will explore some of the reasons behind the boot delays and provide practical solutions to resolve Mac startup delays on your Mac computer.

Check for Disk Errors

One of the leading causes of boot delays on Mac is disk errors. Over time, your computer’s hard drive can accumulate corrupted data, fragmented files, or even bad sectors, all of which can slow down the boot process. To check for disk errors, follow these steps:

  • Click on the Apple menu and choose “Restart” to shut down your Mac.
  • Turn on your Mac and immediately press and hold the “Command + R” keys until the Apple logo appears.
  • This will boot your Mac into Recovery Mode.
  • From the Utilities menu, select “Disk Utility.”
  • Choose your startup disk from the left pane, usually named “Macintosh HD,” and click on the “First Aid” button.
  • Click “Run” to initiate the disk repair process. This will scan your drive for any bad sectors and attempt to fix them.
  • Once the process is complete, restart your Mac.

Manage Startup Items

Another factor that can cause boot delays is the number of startup items that load when your Mac boots up. These items consume system resources and can lead to a slower startup. To manage startup items, follow these steps:

  • Go to “System Preferences” from the Apple menu.
  • Click on “Users & Groups.”
  • Select your user account from the left pane and then click on the “Login Items” tab.
  • Remove any unnecessary or unused applications from the list by selecting them and clicking on the “-” button.

Clear Cache and Temporary Files

Cache and temporary files are created by applications to speed up access to frequently used data. However, over time, these files can become bloated and cause boot delays. To clear cache and temporary files and possibly resolve Mac startup delays follow these steps:

  • Open Finder and click on “Go” in the menu bar.
  • Press and hold the “Option” key to reveal the “Library” option, then click on it.
  • Navigate to “Caches” and “TemporaryItems” folders.
  • Delete the contents of these folders but avoid removing any essential system files.

Update macOS

Apple regularly releases macOS updates to address various issues, including performance improvements. Ensuring that your Mac is running the latest version of macOS can often resolve boot delay problems. To check for updates:

  • Click on the Apple menu and select “System Preferences” or on some Mac “About This  Mac”.
  • Click on “Software Update” to check for and install any available updates.

Reset NVRAM and SMC

The NVRAM (Non-Volatile Random-Access Memory) and SMC (System Management Controller) are responsible for various settings and hardware control. Resetting them can sometimes fix boot delay issues. To reset NVRAM:

  • Shut down your Mac.
  • Turn on your Mac and immediately press and hold the “Option + Command + P + R” keys.
  • Keep holding the keys for about 20 seconds, and your Mac will restart.

To reset the SMC:

  • Shut down your Mac.
  • Unplug the power adapter (if connected).
  • Press and hold the “Shift + Control + Option” keys on the left side of the built-in keyboard and the power button simultaneously for about 10 seconds.
  • Release all the keys and the power button, then reconnect the power adapter and turn on your Mac.

Remove Login Items

In addition to managing startup items, your Mac may have specific applications set as login items for individual user accounts. These apps launch automatically when you log in, which can slow down the boot process. To remove login items and help resolve Mac startup delays take the following steps:

  • Go to “System Preferences” from the Apple menu.
  • Click on “Users & Groups.”
  • Select your user account from the left pane and then click on the “Login Items” tab.
  • Remove any unnecessary or non-essential applications from the list by selecting them and clicking on the “-” button.

Check for Malware and Unwanted Apps   resolve Mac startup delays malware adware virus

Malware or unwanted applications running in the background can significantly impact your Mac’s performance and cause boot delays. Use reputable antivirus software to scan your system for malware and unwanted apps. If any suspicious applications are found, remove them promptly. One of the better antivirus/malware programs on the market for Mac is AVG which can be downloaded at AVG AntiVirus.

Monitor System Activity

You can use the built-in “Activity Monitor” utility to check which applications or processes are consuming excessive system resources. Identify resource-heavy applications and consider closing or uninstalling them to improve startup speed.

  • Open “Activity Monitor” by searching for it in Spotlight or going to “Applications” > “Utilities” > “Activity Monitor.”
  • Sort the list by CPU, Memory, or Disk usage to identify resource-intensive processes.
  • If you find any processes causing significant resource usage, investigate the cause or consider quitting or uninstalling the associated application.

Optimize Storage

Insufficient disk space can lead to slower boot times. macOS includes a built-in “Optimize Storage” feature to manage storage space effectively. This feature can automatically remove clutter such as system junk, temporary files, and other items you don’t need. To use Optimize Storage which may help you to resolve Mac startup delays:

  • Go to “Apple menu” > “About This Mac.”
  • Click on the “Storage” tab and then on the “Manage” button.
  • In the left pane, select “Optimize” to begin the process.

Repair Disk Permissions (for older macOS versions)

For older macOS versions (pre-macOS Sierra), repairing disk permissions can resolve certain boot delay issues. However, note that disk permission repairs are no longer necessary on modern macOS versions. To repair disk permissions:

  • Go to “Applications” > “Utilities” > “Disk Utility.”
  • Select your startup disk from the left pane.
  • Click on the “First Aid” button and then “Repair Disk Permissions.”

Check External Devices

Sometimes, external devices like external hard drives or peripherals can cause boot delays if they are experiencing issues. Try disconnecting all external devices, except for the essentials like keyboard and mouse, and see if the boot time improves. If it does, one of the disconnected devices may be causing the delay. Reconnect them one by one to identify the problematic device.


Encountering the spinning beach ball on Mac startup can be frustrating. However, the above solutions can help you tackle the issue and enjoy a smoother experience. Regularly maintaining your Mac by checking for disk errors, managing startup items, clearing cache and temporary files, updating macOS, and resetting NVRAM and SMC can significantly improve performance. Remember to back up your important data before making any significant changes.

Following these six additional steps will help you comprehensively address the root causes of boot delays. Managing login items, checking for malware, monitoring system activity, optimizing storage, repairing disk permissions (if applicable), and inspecting external devices will ensure a faster and smoother startup process. Regular maintenance and timely troubleshooting will keep your Mac in optimal working condition, providing you with a better user experience.

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